Yaah! I am back!

It took me a while but I am back, I didn't think I would be posting anything here until maybe June when exams will be over. I've been swamped with uni work, final year so I have to buckle down and do work, like I have not been doing doing any work  before now har! Geek! Writing a blog post takes time with doing research about a subject and searching for references for images and so on..I've had a lot of ideas, been inspired by so many thing that I've been wanting to share, but I recognise those will need much time to prepare them for here. so they will be kept on hold for now. However, one thing I have been consistent with is eating. Gone were the days when I used to forget to have a meal because I was so busy, absolutely abnormal right! you would need energy to function right, be able to do work, but I used to skip meal during exams period, I didn't even feel hungry, needless to point out the long term ramifications of that, anyway I am glad that phase is over. I have been cooking a lot and similarly eating out. I love doing both, but I try to not eat out as much for many reasons, money being the obvious one. although times like these I have all the excuses to eat out, I don't have time to cook. It was my first time at a Moroccan restaurant a couple of weeks ago. the food was gorgeous, the waiter was super nice. it's always good when you are severed by nice people, got a conversation going with them between waiting for courses. Aside from the food what I also liked about the restaurant was their decor, it lived up to its name, restaurant is called Marrakesh and we could have been in  Marrakesh when we in there. well I have been to Marrakesh the city before but I would image the restaurant looked like a part if it. I took a few photos of the food, I am always taking photos of food before eating and that always gets attention, funny looks but I can't help it. I took them with my mobile and the camera quality isn't great

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